Bird's Nest Restaurant

Bangkok, Thailand

Sit back, relax and enjoy the views!

Nestled amidst the lush rainforest of Koh Kood, Thailand, the Bird’s Nest Restaurant offers a unique dining experience.

Perched high in the treetops at the luxurious Soneva Kiri resort, this unique eatery features private bamboo pods that are elevated 16 feet above the ground. These cozy, nest-like structures provide diners with stunning panoramic views of the dense jungle canopy and the sparkling Gulf of Thailand, making it an ideal spot for a romantic dinner or a special celebration.

The journey to the Bird’s Nest Restaurant is an adventure in itself. Guests are escorted through the verdant forest to their private dining pods, which are then gently hoisted up into the trees. The restaurant’s attentive waitstaff navigate the heights with ease, delivering gourmet meals via zipline. This innovative approach not only adds a thrilling element to the dining experience but also ensures that the natural surroundings remain undisturbed.

The menu at the Bird’s Nest Restaurant is a testament to Thailand’s rich culinary heritage, with a focus on fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. Diners can savor an array of innovative Thai dishes, each expertly crafted to highlight the vibrant flavors and fragrant spices of the region. From succulent seafood to delectable desserts, every course is designed to delight the senses.

In addition to its exceptional cuisine, the Bird’s Nest Restaurant is committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship. The use of natural materials and eco-friendly practices ensures that the beauty of the rainforest is preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Whether you’re a food enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or simply looking for a unique dining experience, the Bird’s Nest Restaurant in Thailand promises an unforgettable blend of nature, luxury, and gastronomy.
