Jumbo Stay Estocolmo

Estocolmo, Suecia

Get onboard the world's first Boeing 747-200 Jumbo Jet converted into an up market unique stay for the discerning traveler!

From the mid of January 2009 can guests for the first time ever, be able to spend the night in a real, converted jumbo jet – on the ground! 

The plane is a used out jumbo jet model 747-212B from 1976. It has been awarded a brand new, modern interior decoration, offering night guests an experience apart. It’s exciting for aviation enthusiasts and families with children as well as for business people. This exhilarating experience leaves no-one indifferent.

Jumbo Stay and Jumbo Bar & Restaurant is only a 6 minute ride with the free shuttle bus from the terminals at Arlanda airport in Sweden. Perfect for anyone catching an early flight and does not want to get out of bed before dawn to make it to the airport in time. Now you can easily book a night at Jumbo Stay prior to your departure for an extraordinary experience before beginning of your trip - as well as relaxation.

Jumbo Stay offers 29 comfortable rooms with single, two and three bed private rooms or two and four bed dormitories. All together, the hostel offers 61 beds; the most luxurious is to be found on the planes upper deck which boasts an exclusive Cockpit suite with private shower and toilet. The rooms are approximately six square meters in size and measure nearly four meters from floor to ceiling. Guests have access to a shared balcony, located on the jumbo jet's wing.


Everywhere in the jumbo jet you have access to wireless broadband. Jumbo Stay is also equipped and fitted with five modern bathroom and toilet facilities on the main deck, which are also accessible for handicapped guests.

Jumbo Stay is open and staffed 24 hrs around the clock by one of the Jumbo crew members, to make it convenient for guests leaving and arriving at different times. 

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